Our mission is to honor God and build bridges. With every person or family we get the privilege to connect with, our goal is restoring hope and share God’s grace. We envision a future where everyone in our community will have the opportunity to contribute to rise to their God-given potential and contribute to our collective productivity and well-being. Through grace, we hope to create lasting change in individuals and ministries.

Through our three programs, Community Foundations, Foundation Classes, and C.A.R.S. ministry, we seek to work with individuals to encourage them to rebuild their lives with the help of Almighty God.  From single mothers, refugees, to other members of our Southeast Texas community struggling in their day-to-day lives, we assist with transportation needs, financial literacy, and coaching as a pathway to new opportunities, and providing care to their children and themselves.

We believe that no one solution fits every challenge, hence we are dedicated to finding and supporting the right initiatives — to meet the needs of today, tomorrow, and the future.